US company Epiphany Labs researchers has developed a mobile charger that charging your mobile phone with Hot coffee, cold coffee, soft drinks or chilled Beer.
It uses something called a Stirling engine to turn heat into energy. Stirling engines were actually invented in 1816 as a rival to the steam engine, but its use was limited to low-power applications for a long time.
US company Epiphany Labs, based in New Castle, Pennsylvania, has built a working prototype and hopes to have it on the market early in 2014. The company is still vague on just how long it takes for the device to charge up a phone because there are a lot of variables at play, including how hot or cold the source is. Any source of heat that can fit on the Puck will work.
It works best with something that's very warm like a steaming cup of tea or coffee, or very cold like a well chilled beer or soft drink.
It works best with something that's very warm like a steaming cup of tea or coffee, or very cold like a well chilled beer or soft drink.